EHS Software: Why it’s essential for streamlined operations

ehs staff updating ehs software
EHS Management
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Any process that relies on paper is likely to be slow and wide open to the potential for mistakes, misinformation and lost data. EHS software streamlines those processes and saves time and money.

Paper based environmental health and safety risk inspections are a prime example of this. You’ve got field-based workers inspecting sites, assets and equipment and filling in paper forms with the results.  The potential for issues is huge and varied.

Papers could easily go missing between the site and getting back to the office – no one is saying that is intentional at all but on a windy day papers can easily blow away from the back of a van. Not all writing is consistent or legible – again no apportion of blame or criticism but walking around a site, recording results on paper by hand isn’t the ideal condition for neat and tidy handwriting. If the results are then being entered into a system then there could be misinterpretations and inaccuracies, particularly where the person entering the data isn’t the same person who completed the inspection report in the first place.  Also, what happens if something fails a site inspection?  How quickly can a non-compliance be raised and actioned? Leading to potential down time before work can be assigned and carried out. 

The result of all of this is an inefficient, outdated and very slow process.

Paper based site inspections worked well for a number of years and were all we had to keep a record of inspections and results but times have changed and as people have become accustomed to having information available instantly, they want results quicker and in a consistent format.  When it comes to transfer of information, we no longer accept a delay in any aspect of our lives.  We rarely post letters and use email for everything, news delivery is instant across any device we may be holding and by the time newspapers are printed they are almost out of date. If we expect this instantaneous delivery of information in those areas, why should EHS site inspections and reporting be any different? 

Step forward EHS software available on PC and mobile devices with the ability to sync across all of your systems.  There are several benefits to making the switch and going digital with your EHS processes, all of which relate to savings in time and money and improvements in efficiency.

Just some of the benefits gained from implementing EHS software are detailed:

  1. Your current processes and forms can be recreated in digital format, allowing your field workers to complete their inspections and reports on mobile tablet devices. With EHS software the results are instant and if a non-compliance is raised, the resulting action can be assigned and work started. The result is an increase in efficiency throughout the organisation. Field workers have inspections assigned to them which they complete on site and the results are fed into your systems in real time, meaning any resultant work can be started quickly.
  2. Demonstrate compliance at any given time by showing the results of your inspections and assessments when asked. An EHS software system with instant access to records displays you are in control, ensuring visibility and transparency for all stakeholders at all times.
  3. Productivity is increased across organisations as you can ensure your field staff are out on site carrying out inspection work and not back in the office typing up reports as these are now all captured in real time so your whole team can get more done. Ultimately saving you time and money.

Switching to EHS software is one small change but it can have a significant impact on your organisation.

If you’re looking to streamline your EHS processes and get results then contact us today to arrange a free demo of Velappity EHS software.

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